our vision
healthy coral reefs
clean ocean water
abundant native fish
Maui’s Reefs are irreplaceable. Protecting them is our priority.
We work from mauka (the mountains) to makai (the ocean) to make sure our reefs will be here for generations to come.
Community-Based Coral Restoration Areas
Water Quality Monitoring
Reef-Friendly Landscaping (RFL)
Reef Monitoring Surveys
Data & Scientific Studies
Donate to Support Healthy Reefs in Maui Nui!
Working mauka to makai to protect Maui’s marine environment
Give today to support Maui’s reefs!
Protecting Maui's Nearshore Ocean Environment
Living on an island means everything is connected. We work on a host of projects to address the factors that influence reef and marine health in Maui.
Working with Our Community
Restore Native Fish

Community Managed Makai Areas (CMMA)
MNMRC supports and provides training for CMMA programs on Maui which use traditional management principles, community enforcement, and public engagement to sustainably manage marine areas.
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Outreach and Education

MNMRC’s Quarterly Webinars
Join us for free presentations about coral reefs, ocean water quality, native fish and more at our “Know Your Ocean Speaker Series” events, held on the first Wednesday of each month from 5:30 to 6:30 pm via Zoom.
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Community Support

Helping During COVID-19
During Covid-19, MNMRC helped 70 Maui and Molokai residents gain employment in nature-based restoration projects. Watch the trailer to our upcoming film “Healing Land, Healing People” to learn more…and be inspired.
Past Work to Protect Maui’s Reefs

Sunscreen Pollution
Sunscreens with oxybenzone and octinoxate can harm or kill corals. Our team works to educate Maui visitors and residents about safer-for-the-reef alternatives.
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Olowalu Biomarker Research Project
What environmental factors are stressing Maui’s corals near Olowalu and Polanui? Through this study, we’ll be analyzing the protein expression and DNA of 32 coral samples from these areas, to identify the stressors to coral.
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Maui Coral Reef Recovery Team
In 2010, MNMRC brought together 16 of Hawaii’s leading coral reef scientists, community members and management experts to create a Maui Coral Reef Recovery Plan. The group continues to advise us and monitor our progress.