A legacy donation to Maui Nui Marine Resource Council will support ongoing work of restoring clean ocean water, healthy coral reefs and abundant native fish to the islands of Maui County for the benefit of future generations.

We’ve included some options for Estate and Planned Giving here. For more information or answers to your questions, please contact Michael Fogarty, at mike@mauireefs.org.

Include Maui Nui Marine Resource Council in your will or living trust

Give a legacy gift by including Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc. in your will or living trust.

You can designate that a percentage of your estate be given to Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc.

Another option is to stipulate that a remainder (residue) of your estate be donated to Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc. after all other bequests to family and friends have been satisfied.

You will have the flexibility to change your will or living trust throughout your life, so if your circumstances change, you can change your bequest to Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc.

To plan a charitable bequest to Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc., please share your wishes with the attorney who prepares your will. Your attorney can also advise you on federal and state tax considerations.

Give through your life insurance or retirement account

Arrange to donate your life insurance proceeds or the remains of a retirement account to Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc. Your gift can be arranged to meet your wishes. For example, you may want to stipulate that the gift is only made if your family members should predecease you. Please talk with your life insurance professional or retirement plan administrator for details and any required change of beneficiary forms.

Gifts from Bank Accounts or Investment Accounts

If you wish to retain full ownership of your assets during your lifetime, consider adding a “pay on death” (P.O.D.) provision to your bank account or certificate of deposit (CD) that names Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc. as a beneficiary. You can also arrange for a “transfer on death” (T.O.D.) provision for certain other investment accounts. Please talk with your financial advisor or attorney for assistance.

Important Information for Donors:

Our legal name: Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc. Federal EIN: 472509441
Address: Maui Nui Marine Resource Council Inc., PO Box 331204, Kahului, HI 96733

Maui Nui Marine Resource Council is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Your donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by U.S. law.

Please note: The information on this page was current as of May 1, 2018. Changes to the tax code may alter the possible tax benefits described here. Always consult your tax and financial advisor for their advice on tax laws and their implications for your charitable donations.

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