Talk Story with Alex Polson


Alex Polson has been a frequent visitor to the island and a loyal supporter of MNMRC for the past three years.  Here, we learn more about his connection to the organization and Maui.

Tell us a little bit about how you got connected to MNMRC

About 3 years ago, after returning from a trip to Maui, I wanted to find a way that I could give back to the communities of the island. I did some searching on the web and came across MNMRC. As somebody who is very passionate about the environment and sustainability as a whole, I got the sense that MNMRC was the perfect charity to get involved with.

Tell us about what you do for work and what outdoor activities you enjoy.

I’m a software engineer at a company called Indeed, whose mission is to help people get jobs. I really appreciate their focus on people, not only those that are looking for jobs but their employees as well.

Outside of work, I like to spend time with my wife, daughter, and two dogs Sunny, a super mutt, and Oscar, a long-haired miniature dachshund. When I can, I also like to go running which I find allows me to see things from new perspectives that aren’t possible when driving.

Can you share how the ocean has impacted you?

I’ve lived in the Seattle area my whole life, so I have always been surrounded by water in some way. That said, I’ve always been afraid of it, mostly due to the waters of the Pacific Northwest being so cold and opaque. When I visited Hawaii for the first time, I found its warmth and transparency beautiful and refreshing, and my wife and I have grown to love snorkeling when we visit. I’ve been lucky enough to happen upon a few honu as they’ve been swimming by, keeping a safe distance of course. To be able to see the wildlife in their natural habitat is humbling, and has made me more aware of how important it is to keep our oceans healthy.

Tell us a bit more about your connection to Maui and the people.  What does Maui mean to you and why do you keep coming back?

I have been coming to the islands for almost 20 years now.  Like many travelers, I initially stayed in areas that were more touristy but the more I branched out, the more I began to feel a part of the local community. I’m the kind of person that likes to strike up conversations with strangers because I’m very curious and love to meet new people. I’ve had so many lovely chats with folks in the most random places, by recognizing some simple, common ground.

What is your favorite Maui moment?

A couple of years ago, my family and I made our way down to the Hoapilli Trail on the south of Maui. There’s a point on the trail where you step out of a copse of trees into a huge, barron, ancient lava flow. Hiking through it was another reminder of how remarkable nature is. On the other side of that flow was another group of trees that we didn’t quite get to before having to turn around. I hope to make it to those trees and beyond it to see what comes next. I love exploring and seeing what’s around the next corner.

What do you wish more people knew about supporting conservation causes?

It’s so easy to think short-term, but it’s so critical for us all to invest in long-term solutions for the generations to come. Seemingly small decisions such as using reef-safe sunscreen, recycling or reusing materials to avoid adding things to our landfills, can have large impacts if many of us make these sorts of choices. We each need to understand the impacts we’re having on our environment, and do what we can to reduce or eliminate those impacts. The more people that we can educate about conservation causes, the bigger the impact we can have.

What’s your favorite Maui restaurant?

Ever since we started visiting Kihei, we always make it at least once per trip (usually more) to the Kihei Caffe off of South Kihei Road. Everything that I’ve tried is delicious but my personal favorite is their Kalua pork Loco Moco with fried rice. I usually have a hard time deciding what to get, but it has it all. On our last trip, we discovered Da Kitchen, off of South Kihei Road, which is also delicious!

What would you say to others who are considering becoming involved with MNMRC?

If you’re passionate about environmental causes and you feel a connection to Maui, both the land and Hawaiian culture, MNMRC is an amazing cause doing amazing work. I can’t be on Maui all the time, but it’s definitely in good hands with MNMRC.


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